Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Coastal Management

Attrition: a wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as result of continuous pressure or harassment 
Abrasion: a scraped spot or area; the result of rubbing or abrading  
The main geographical process relevant to Coastal Management would be Hydraulic action is a form of erosion caused by the force of moving water currents rushing into a crack in the rock face. It is strong enough to loosen sediment along the river bed and banks. The water compresses the air in the crack, pushing it right to the back. As the wave retreats, the highly pressurized air is suddenly released with explosive force, capable of chipping away the rock face over time. This causes a large amount of stress and can destroy coastal areas.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Y10: Defense Set to Give US More Military Access

1. Give US forces greater access to Australian military bases. Shared facilities are expected to include HMAS Stirling naval base in Western Australia, an army base in Townsville as the primary location for operations, the port of Darwin and the Bradshaw Field Training Area in the Northern Territory.
2.AUSMIN summit
3. The country that US is specifically reacting to is the increase in miltary power from CHINA.
4.  They will result in a significant escalation of military co-operation, including more visits by US ships, aircraft and troops, and their forces exercising here regularly.
5.  Other key areas for discussion at the talks will be cyber security, progress in Afghanistan and the state of the Joint Strike Fighter project. Australia plans to buy up to 100 of the revolutionary multi-role jets to replace the RAAF's F-111 bombers, retired last year, and its F/A-18 Hornets.
6.  What does this agreement mean for Australia's future in the Regional and Global context?
this would mean that Australia would always be protected from any threat in the pacific because the US will always be close to help protect the Australian borders.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Go Back to Where You Came From Reflection

1. My initial reaction to the show, "Go Back to Where You Came From Reflection" was that the show had chosen a very particular company of people, ranging from racists to complete left wing supporters. This giving the show a competitive aspect as the people who were chosen to show would be at a constant disagreement. This creates "good television", but also has a large informative aspect to it to. It not only broadens people's minds to the higher moral standing on this issue but it spreads reliable and current information and personal perspectives to the Australian society.

2. 1.5%

3. Because generally, the Australian media disagree with immigrants coming as boat people and refugees. so based on this association the issue elevates due to the negativity portrayed towards it.  

4. 18th.

5. Because we are have so much available to us as a society, all people should have equal rights and that we can help people who are less fortunate than we are. 

6. They have the same amount of support as Australian's do.

7. 11

8. As there is a large amount of refugees Malaysia, this means that the refugees in Malaysia are not protected therefore don't like being in Malaysia.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

ASEAN members start moves to harmonize policies

  1. What is the goal of this ASEAN meeting? The annual ASEAN meetings have been held to improve and harmonize trade and investment policies as the bloc pursues an integrated regional economy by 2015
  2. What is ERIA? What do they intend to do? The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, and they keep the region on track so to speak  
  3. What is AEC? What do they intend to do? ASEAN Economic Community, Help countries identify commitments that will deliver the best results toward integration 
  4. What are the three key areas of focus? Transport, services, investment facilitation
  5. How often does this group plan to meet? Once a year
  6. What do they intend to keep in their "knowledge bank"? Possible tools members can use to pursue effective reforms and also a data bank of all regulatory reforms ASEAN members have made.
  7. Who was the chairman of the meeting? What is his title? What is the population and GDP of his country? How does it compare to Australia? Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Brunei, POPULATION: 399,687, $49,391 current US$, AUS: 22,669,437, $42,279 current US$
  8. What do you think that economic integration means? The extent to which a person is able to obtain and disburse income as it relates to life in the community 
  9. Do you think that this is good or bad for Australia? 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Military-US/Australian Alliance

1. MR Steven Smith is the Defence Minister for Australia, He has been an Australian Labour Party member of the Australian House of Representatives since March 1993, representing the Division of Perth, Western Australia. Smith was born in Narrogin, Western Australia, and was educated at the University of Western Australia and the University of London, where he gained a master's degree in law. 
2. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C., in the United States. One of Washington's oldest think tanks, Brookings conducts research and education in the social sciences, primarily in economics, metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, and global economy and development
3. Australia's strategic value to the US was changing, Smith stated that Australia saw greater US focus on the Asia-Pacific as the demands of current operations reduced and the US strategic priority returned to the region. "For almost 50 years, through the joint defence facilities in Australia, we have made a significant contribution to US national security by hosting or supporting some of the US's most sensitive and critical strategic capabilities,".  
4. Asian Pacific Region, that the relationship between Australia, China and America are maintained as emergence for the three of these countries is very important for the future. 
5. Made a significant contribution to US national security by hosting or supporting some of the US's most sensitive and critical strategic capabilities. Support in military conflicts. 
6. The minister stated that there are 9000 Australian companies doing business in the US. "They pay an average wage of $US70,000 ($63,490) per employee per annum and include your largest shopping-centre owner and two of your largest 20 banks"
7. To get across the point that Australia adds value, and that Australia values-add from the advantage point of respect and not dependency. Starts an economic and trade based relationship on top of a military alliance.   
8. China 
9. Australia wants China to emerge into a 'harmonious environment'. Strong military bond, to form an alliance. 
10. Australia had committed to developing strong and positive military and defence relations with China through dialogue and practical activities.

Second article:
1. planning on locating a military base in Western Australia, at Woomera, American influence both militarily and throughout the economy. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


1. A person whose application for asylum in or recognition as a refugee by a country of which he or she is not a citizen is pending, and who claims to fear persecution if returned home.
2. Due to the fear of being persecuted because of their:
  • race
  • religion
  • nationality
  • membership of a particular social group
  • political opinion.
The term ‘asylum seekers’ refers to all people who apply for refugee protection, whether or not they are officially determined to be refugees.
3. Some asylum seekers spend long periods of time in immigration detention waiting for their refugee claim to be assessed; waiting for the completion of health, identity and security checks; or awaiting removal from Australia if their refugee claim has been unsuccessful.
4. Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Sudan, and the Palestinian Territories.

1. An asylum seeker swap deal between Australia and Malaysia, Australia will send 800 asylum seekers in exchange for 4000 genuine refugees.    
2. That they will be treated with dignity and respect and have Human Rights protected and also Australia will be coving all the costs for health and education for the refugees.have employment opportunities and be allowed to join the community for a short time to have health and identity checks. 
3. In Malaysia they are routinely rounded up and put into detention centres on work sites and would sometimes be caned and be open to physical abuse. 
4. Yes children will be sent
5. That the 567 asylum seekers who have arrived in the 11 weeks since this deal has been put into place will now be processed in Australia, the government had said that they would not be processed in Australia but has now had to accept that it will. 
6. that there is no way that the government right safe guards for the asylum seekers and that there could be a possible court challenge to all this.
7. for boat arrivals to slow down and halt.
8. As Scott Morrison said, Gillard is unable to guarantee the safe and well being of the asylum seekers as she isn't even able to protect her own people. I don't believe that this will work because there simply isn't the right amount of facts to support the issue. Unless Australia send Human Rights activists into Malaysia to ensure that the well being of those who are sent there are intact. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Australia maybe nuclear target: Kevin Rudd

1. He's the foreign Minister of the Australian Government. Minister of Foreign Affairs, or foreign minister, is a cabinet minister who helps form the foreign policy of a sovereign state. The foreign minister is often regarded as the most senior ministerial position below that of the head of government (prime minister or president). It is often granted to the deputy prime minister in coalition governmentsA foreign minister's powers can vary from government to government. In a classic parliamentary system, a foreign minister can potentially exert significant influence in forming foreign policy but when the government is dominated by a strong prime minister the foreign minister may be limited to playing a more marginal or subsidiary role in determining policy.

2. That North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile programs are a direct threat to Australia.

3. ASEAN Regional Forum

4. having torpedoed a South Korean naval frigate, shelled civilians’ homes across the border and defied two UN 
Security Council resolutions by pursuing an enriched uranium weapons program.

5. “If it’s a long-range missile which is developed over time ... then of course it represents a threat to Australia.” The threat of being bombed by long range missiles.

6. To make the issue public and to let others know of that threat, so it would be unlikely for North Korea to engage Australia with nuclear warfare. Australia's involvement in that region has been against the North Koreans, for example the Korean War, where Australian troops engaged the Northern forces, fighting along side the South Korean's.

7.  Because since Australia is closely allied with America and America doesnt have the best relationship towards the North Koreans so naturally by siding with the Americans, Australia has now also become a target to the North Koreans.