Sunday, July 31, 2011

Military-US/Australian Alliance

1. MR Steven Smith is the Defence Minister for Australia, He has been an Australian Labour Party member of the Australian House of Representatives since March 1993, representing the Division of Perth, Western Australia. Smith was born in Narrogin, Western Australia, and was educated at the University of Western Australia and the University of London, where he gained a master's degree in law. 
2. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C., in the United States. One of Washington's oldest think tanks, Brookings conducts research and education in the social sciences, primarily in economics, metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, and global economy and development
3. Australia's strategic value to the US was changing, Smith stated that Australia saw greater US focus on the Asia-Pacific as the demands of current operations reduced and the US strategic priority returned to the region. "For almost 50 years, through the joint defence facilities in Australia, we have made a significant contribution to US national security by hosting or supporting some of the US's most sensitive and critical strategic capabilities,".  
4. Asian Pacific Region, that the relationship between Australia, China and America are maintained as emergence for the three of these countries is very important for the future. 
5. Made a significant contribution to US national security by hosting or supporting some of the US's most sensitive and critical strategic capabilities. Support in military conflicts. 
6. The minister stated that there are 9000 Australian companies doing business in the US. "They pay an average wage of $US70,000 ($63,490) per employee per annum and include your largest shopping-centre owner and two of your largest 20 banks"
7. To get across the point that Australia adds value, and that Australia values-add from the advantage point of respect and not dependency. Starts an economic and trade based relationship on top of a military alliance.   
8. China 
9. Australia wants China to emerge into a 'harmonious environment'. Strong military bond, to form an alliance. 
10. Australia had committed to developing strong and positive military and defence relations with China through dialogue and practical activities.

Second article:
1. planning on locating a military base in Western Australia, at Woomera, American influence both militarily and throughout the economy. 

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