Sunday, July 24, 2011

Year 10: Australian Aid

1. Summary of the Article:

  • The article exclaims that the poverty ridden countries do need financial help, but the money that is being produced by charities all around the world isn't being put to good use. 
  • That only a small sum of that money is being used to increase the well being of poverty stricken people. 
  • "There is a strange alchemy to economic growth. It requires a remarkable confluence of factors - social, political and technological" This extraction shows what people need to move from farming lifestyles to paying jobs. The money that is going to these countries isn't going towards these three factors and that its going into governments pocket. 
  • Within the article it is becoming clear that aid in any form (capital, technology, roads, schools, armies of technical advisers) does not make much difference. The alchemy of growth depends above all on social and political circumstances and institutions. What works in any particular place or time depends on myriad local factors. It has to be home-grown, not engineered from outside. Another aspect for reasoning to why the money is going to waste as it isn't being used properly. 
2.  Australia's involvement
Australia is giving more aid because the government is being pressure by the Australian people and also allied countries are pushing money and effort into those 3rd world countries.  meaning that Australia will follow this and  try to out weigh the other countries efforts in its striving to look like a better country. Benefits of this would be the image of Australia, that having enough money to just throw away and still be a top country. relations with allied countries and also the poverty struct countries could become stronger. 
Negative aspects could be that Australia is throwing money away unnecessarily, when it could be putting money back into Australia's well being as it isn't perfect and needs that money to improve the lives of it's homeless and poverty struck people. 

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