Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tweeds River Entrance.

1. It became hazardous to ships because of the sandbars that were forming across the river mouth, the solution to this problem was to construct breakwaters to stabilise the river entrance and help keep it clear of sand.
2. that the sand would not be able to move up and down the beach, which stops the beach from replenishing itself with new sands and etc
3. the area became unsafe for shipping because of the slow build up of sand which eventually formed large sand banks and therefore making the waters shallower. this forms a problem for shipping because the risk of getting stuck or damage to the ship.
4. it was expensive solution and would need to occur frequently in order to maintain the sand supply to the beaches and the safety of the river entrance for boats.
5. Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Project: must remain navigable and that sand be delivered to the beaches of the Gold Coast in the quantities requested by the NSW and Queensland governments
6. i believe that the TRESBP is one of the most succesful coastal management stratagies implemented in Australia because it re-creates the natural process of longshore drift. the beaches of the area are monitored in order to determine which beach will supplied with sand from the pumping scheme, it has ensured that a continual supply of sand to the beaches of Southern Gold Coast and solved the problem of the Tweed River silting up.
8. as seen in the 1962 photo the beach is small, the waves aren't hitting the beach where they should and isn't appealing at all. but as the project is started and is getting put into action the beach is being transformed. it is gradually getting wider, the waves are now almost parallel to the shore.

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