Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Year 10: Urban Sprawl or Consolidation: Jordan Springs

1. Is this an example of urban consolidation or urban sprawl? Why?
This is an example of urban sprawl due to the non existing urban infrastructure of the area. they are creating a new suburb over natural occurring forestry and environment.  its also away from a major city (Sydney), spreading of urban areas. there is a low density housing, meaning there is a lot of homes for few people.
2. Do you think that this development is positive or negative for the surrounding community? For Sydney? For Australia?
This new development could be both a positive and a negative for Sydney. It could bring money into Sydney and increase the wealth of the city but also it could reduce amount of money that is currently coming into Sydney. With the new suburb it can introduce a new business aspect and transportation of goods. it also provides new jobs for people. but it also can be expensive due to the transport and ect, and by taking people and business man from Sydney it can lead to the eventual break down or decrease of the Infrastructure of Sydney. 

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