Sunday, February 13, 2011

7.1 Geographical issues

1.   1.    The settlement pattern of Australia is related to the issues in the coastal environment because 85 percent of the Australian Population lives within 50km of the coast, this means that we need to be aware of the impacts that we are having on the coastal environment.

2. 2.     The sustainability of the coastline is the aim of the coastal management strategies, because with vast amounts of people living near the coast, sustainability is the key factor that management strategies should be focusing on.

3.  3.     "Sea Change" is an Australian trend for people to move from large cities to smaller coastal towns and villages where life style is more relaxed.

4.  4.    Residential caps and population ceiling have been brought in to control to stop overdevelopment of the area. 

5.  5.    Pollution: People dumping and leaving rubbish. Tourism and Recreational Pressures: During popular holiday times, the vast amount of people in seaside areas can place pressure on infrastructure and the environment. Introduced Plants:  The weed like plants affects the natural landscape and could bring disease into the area, but also overrun the native plants in the within the area. Inappropriate Development:  This could affect the overall stability of the coastal environment, due to the constant developments of ever increasing population increase

6. 6.   Geographers play a key role in development strategies because they not only control the commercial and tourist activities within the area but also determine where the best place would be to employ these strategies in relation to geographical position.

1 comment:

  1. keep working you still have a bit of work to do to catch up. let me know if you aren't sure which assignments you still owe me.
